Quickly put your appearance in order by follow our tips about lifestyle
Five minutes later, a business meeting, and you just woke up? You can follow some tips that will help you put your appearance in order in just 5 minutes. So follow these tips to change your lifestyle .
Tips about lifestyle no. 1
Tidy up the tanks: 1 minute
Your pots grow faster than the hair on your head - that's a fact. And your tidiness directly depends on their grooming. In order to trim them, there is no need to go to the barber - you can do it at home. Use the trimmer and do it in a right way. You can watch youtube tutorial videos to do this work properly. You have to be careful about this.
Tips about lifestyle no. 2
Skin over: 1 minute
Men's skin is usually fatter than women's. The plus is that it allows us to look younger. Less - by the end of the day you shine like a chicken grill. To avoid this, use matting napkins - let them always be in the drawer of your desktop. They will help remove excess sebum so that during the aforementioned meeting you shone solely from business enthusiasm.
Tips about lifestyle no. 3
Choose a bright shirt: 1 minute
Classic white is good, but all the time is very boring. Refresh your appearance, leave the comfort zone and choose a bright color. The bright orange, pink or red color of the shirt will tint your complexion and make it stand out from the crowd.
Tips about lifestyle no. 4
Scrub: 1 minute
Every day, thousands of cells in your face die. Without scrub, they will accumulate on the face with white dry flakes. Do you need it? If not, then clean your face several times a week with a scrub. It will be like new: fresh and clean.
Tips about lifestyle no. 5
Polish shoes: 1 minute
According to the latest polls that men's health conducted among women, the first two things they pay attention to are your shoes and watches. Worn boots speak of you as someone who doesn't care about the details. What to do if there is no shoe polish on hand? Rub the shoes with the inside of the banana peel and remove the excess with a tissue or toilet paper. Bananas contain natural oils that will make even the most dead shoes shine.
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