Relaxation tips: 10 ways to really relax
Each of us was faced with the feeling that we were tired, annoyed and wanted to throw balls of water out of the window, shouting offensive nicknames after people and shaking our fist. The name for this unbalanced state is stress. Here are 10 proven ways to deal with this ailment and feel the real relaxation .
1. Relaxing music ( relaxation tips )
No rock, from which you only more want to destroy everything around, breaking furniture and overturning stools. But the sounds of nature, classical music from famous composers, the so-called chill - this is all that will help you relax a little and get back to normal. Set it to a low volume, let it play in the background and create a peaceful atmosphere
2. Laugh heartily ( relaxation tips )
What you need the least now is to watch crime chronicles, the fall in the national currency and the suffering of stray animals. We're stressed, forget? Therefore, turn on your favorite comedy series, open a collection of funny stories and anecdotes, remember funny incidents from your busy life. Laughter is a proven and effective remedy for the increased difficulty of being for years.
3. Do yoga or sports ( relaxation tips )
Of course I understand you! The last thing you want to do is strain your body, already exhausted by mental anguish. But these meticulous scientists again repeat their own, they say, when playing sports, the hormone of happiness endorphin is released. And the state of euphoria after training lasts for at least two hours. Try it - suddenly you get hooked?
4. Get a little animal ( relaxation tips )
I'm not talking about women now, joker. I'm talking about a ball of wool that will meet you with eyes full of love and gratuitous adoration. A dog is the only creature that loves you just for having you. And at the same time, a forced walk with your furry friend will help you unwind, breathe fresh air and eat plenty of foliage. You can get a cat, chinchilla, sand tarantula. Anyone. But do not forget to stroke and feed them - and then you will surely be distracted from your problems.
5. Make yourself a drink ( relaxation tips )
Let's just agree right away - no alcohol. We are healthy people and once again we don't need to poison ourselves with alcohol-containing liquids, especially in such an anxious time.
But coffee with ice cream, for example, or a banana milkshake, will go with a bang. Do you remember how doctors advised to drink more for colds and any other ailments? So drink what you like, because the fluid in the body, of which we are a good 60%, has not harmed anyone yet.
6. Chew gum ( relaxation tips )
I don't know how many scientists chewed a kilogram, or even tons of chewing gum, but they say that regardless of taste, your concentration will increase and the level of dissatisfaction will decrease. Because the secretion and production of saliva decreases the amount of cortisol. And this is the very stress hormone. Well, the likelihood that you say nasty things to others drops sharply. After all, as you know, with a full mouth you can't talk too much.
7. Create a "psychic illusion" ( relaxation tips )
Sit back, close your eyes and try to imagine that you are far away now and where the sun warms you with its rays, and the water gently washes your tired legs. Or fantasize that you are in an alpine Tibetan temple, where peace and satisfaction reigns around. Try to imagine smells, images, sounds. A great method to relax and practice meditation. Have you ever seen nervous monks? So I have not seen. And all because, my tired friend, they meditate and do not blow their heads.
8. Eat a chocolate bar ( relaxation tips )
Treat yourself to chocolate after all. Are you a man or not? Or bananas, dates, figs. Why this set of products? Yes, because it is they that contain an increased amount of serotonin, which will cheer you up, correct your sleep and form a feeling of pleasure. So do not deny yourself a pair - three chocolates. But without fanaticism.
9. Kiss ( relaxation tips )
Remember the chewing gum drooling? So here they have a place to be, but with additional useful and pleasant functions. Namely, with those that when kissing between loving people, oxytocin is actively produced. A tricky chemical that does not tolerate the stress hormone cortisol, and begins to mercilessly overpower it on all fronts. Just be kind, do not go with your sudden kisses to unfamiliar young ladies. If you are hit on the head with a bag or, what good, they give you a good slap in the face, this will hardly add to your happiness.
10. Turn off external stimuli ( relaxation tips )
Turn off your phone already, give yourself some rest. If you are not expecting important calls and are not planning any negotiations, cut off the device and throw it into the far corner, out of sight. Constant sound reminders, calls, SMS messages tug at you, distract, provoke a reaction: "Who the hell did they bring again?" Also they will not really make you fully enjoy your vacation or relaxation time.
Relaxation tips are over. Following these tips is now your own responsibility.
So, Take care of your health and don't worry about the little things. I wish you success!
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