How to build muscle quickly: 15 secrets about building muscle from professional athletes

how to build muscle

How to build muscle quickly: 15 secrets about building muscle from professional athletes

Wanna know how to build muscle quickly ?

Keep these 15 tips from professionals who will be useful to you in gaining mass. The text you read below is written in liters of sweat and tons of weight.
In fact, many non-professional athletes are simply not trained to balance all of their muscles in a balanced manner. For example, do you know that the underdeveloped muscles around a bicep will necessarily slow down its growth? Just because it is dangerous for weak fibers to have a pumped “neighbor” - a “neighbor” can easily break them. And this, in turn, is fraught with a slowdown in progress in the hall. And how many tricks were invented to make it safer and more to raise during training!

1. Pull more than push how to build muscle )
Design your training program so that for every 2 sets of bench press exercises you have 3 sets of traction (pull-ups, rowing machine, etc.). There is a great chance that in your current training just the opposite is true. By changing the plan you will develop muscles that paid very little attention before. Another plus: more traction exercises improve posture and prevents possible injuries associated with muscle imbalances.
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2. Shake your shoulders how to build muscle )
Strong, stable shoulders will help lift large weights in all exercises that work out the upper torso. In order for you to have it exactly, perform the reverse wire with a shock absorber. Stand straight, picking up the shock absorber. Extend your arms in front of you, bend them slightly at your elbows and bend the palms of your hands. Now bring your shoulder blade and pull the shock absorber in different directions with your arm spread to the limit. Freeze in this position for a second, then smoothly return to its original position and repeat. Do 2-3 sets of every 10-15 repetitions, resting in sets for 60 seconds.
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3. Wake the chest how to build muscle )
If your infants hibernate and refuse to grow fully, there are two possible reasons. First, you just load them a little. Try the 1.5 method. Performing, for example, a bench press, lower the barbell to the chest, then squeeze it up only half. Place the shell on your chest again and press it completely to the arm - this will be 1 repetition. Use bench presses for your repetitions at weights equal to 70% of your maximum result. Do 3-4 sets of 8 repetitions.

The second reason is that the shoulder joints have been killed by improper training. Leave push-ups on unequal bars and bench presses by pressing on the bench behind you. To load the chest and triceps without hitting the shoulder, press a barbell on the bar. Hold the bar with a narrow grip, hold the starting position for the bench press and remove the bar from the racks. Ask a friend or coach to hang a 10-12 cm barbell on your chest. Now place the bar at the top of the bar at the bottom, take a second break and repeat the bar. Set 3-4 of 6-8 reps.
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4. Download your biceps fast how to build muscle )
In order to activate most muscle fibers and motor units, you must either lift the maximum possible weight, or not the largest, as soon as the lift biceps are trained, no one works in the second scene. And you try: Set the weight in the bar with which you can repeat 6-7 nets for biceps. Perform each repetition at a speed, but take a approach to control (very quickly, but technically correct the projection lift and return to its original position at a normal speed) Take Complete the approach when the last repetition is clearly slower than the previous one. Most likely, you will get 5, maybe 4 reps, and in subsequent approaches, even less is normal and correct. Resting in sets for 45 seconds, don’t stop until you have a total of 25 repetitions.
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5. Do not forget about triceps how to build muscle )
What is good for the biceps is also effective for the triceps. The tri-head can also be pumped at "speed", use push-ups with corners. Put your palms on the floor as close to each other, and feet on the bench. Raise your pelvis as much as possible and straighten your legs. If you feel a strong rush of blood in the head, the starting position is taken correctly. Perform push-ups as soon as possible by performing 7 repetitions of each procedure. Rest in set - 45 seconds. In total, 35 will need to be repeated.
how to build muscle

6. Get the widest how to build muscle )
The horizontal muscle fibers in the upper back are almost completely formed. That’s why rowing machines are great for creating strong wide backs. However, there is one exception - in the latissimus (surface muscles, occupying the entire lower back), the fibers are located almost vertically. You will not find them with ordinary practice. Lee, a coach in Toronto, suggested training the width with a special kind of pullover in the age block. Attach the handle of the rope to the upper block and bend the knees in front of holding the body straight. Grasp the ends of the rope handle with straight hands; pull your hands - first straight down, and at the end of the path - to the hips. The trajectory of your hands should resemble the letter J. Therefore, the name of this rare practice is "J-Pullovers".
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7. Strengthen the legs how to build muscle )
A great way is to increase the amplitude when launching an attack. Now you will learn how to do this with two simple examples. Number 1 - drop back from the step platform. Stand with both feet on a platform with a height of 10-12 cm. With your right foot back and bending both legs at the knees, read in a lanyard. Return to starting position and repeat. Rest after completing the required number of repetitions and change your rug. Follow 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Number 2 - Bulgarian split split squat. Stand with your back to the shop at a distance of two steps from it. Raise your legs and place your left leg on your back bench and stand on the step platform with your right. Dip into the lunge as low as possible, almost touching the floor with the knee of your left leg. Return to starting position and repeat. Rest after completing the required number of repetitions and change your rug. Follow 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
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8. Do not forget about the lead how to build muscle )
No, it’s not necessary to climb onto the simulator to reduce your legs - the guys will laugh. However, you should not focus on training the thigh muscles, because the health of the knee joints depends on them. Give lead training without interrupting your desired practice. For example, when doing pull-ups with extra weight, do not hang the weight over the belt, but hold the disc at the knee.
how to build muscle

9. Increase squat results how to build muscle )
Everyone wants to be strong, but they are afraid to get hurt, and therefore they do not risk climbing into heavy weights in deadlifts or squats with a barbell on their backs. Try using the clever receiver from the arsenal of powerlifters. When squatting with a barbell, think not only about the depth and depth of the squat, but also about the right work with your hands. Throughout the procedure, don’t just flatten your shoulder blades, try attaching your elbows to your back. It feels like this movement should be like vertical traction with a wide grip. If you do everything right, you will immediately feel tension in the latissimus dorsi muscle which stabilizes the back and in safe mode allows you to work with larger than normal weight.
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10. Doubles how to build muscle )
Have a training partner? You are very lucky. You can train your core in an unusual way, which will make your side of the road more short. Stand facing each other with your feet shoulder-width apart, bending them slightly at the knees and straightening your back; rest your hands against each other, palm to palm - this is the starting position. Now, your partner should try to press your palms up, down, right, left as often as possible. Your job is to train the abdominal muscles with all your strength, maintaining the starting position. You will have 30 seconds for all this, after which you can change roles. If you’re alone, like steppe birch, try an analog of this practice in fitball that is the same in terms of effectiveness. Stand at the bar with your progress on the ball. Now, to maintain balance and a single line between the body and the legs, start rotating the whole arm first and then clockwise. Do this until the muscle fails.
how to build muscle

11. Caviar like a wrestler how to build muscle )
Instead of hammering the usual toe lifts that do no good to you, take the advice of Nick Timinello, a personal trainer from Baltimore: make a wrestling bridge with a bench. Lie on your back, bending your knees, and put your toes on the edge of the bench. Raise your pelvis as high as possible. You will immediately feel intense tension in the muscles of the lower legs and the back of the thighs. Now, slowly back to the starting position and repeat. Take every approach to failure.
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12. Turn on the buttocks how to build muscle )
Squats and deadlifts develop the ass perfectly but only if you really work with them. Check yourself: if you kneel when doing pulls or squats, then your buttocks do not work well enough, but your lower back gets the full program. Next time, try this when squatting or deadlifting: Try not to change the position of your feet on the floor as if you want toe out. So you can hold your knees and feel the difference instantly.
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13. Cor for the lazy how to build muscle )
One of the best exercises for core muscles can be performed even on the couch. Although it is still worth trying out on the floor. Lie on your back, bending your legs and putting your feet on the floor. Tear off the right leg from the floor, lifting the thigh to a right angle; put your left hand in your right knee. Now, try to push your right knee into your chest and with your left hand pull the knee away from you. Feel the strong muscle tension in front of the cortex instantly. Hold this position for 3-5 seconds, then change your arms and legs and repeat. Do this until annoyed.
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14. Squeeze the rolls how to build muscle )
This may sound a bit strange but you need to do more with your buttocks to maximize bench press results. The next time you come to the gym, lie down on a bench, take a starting position and, before lowering the bar on the chest, with the strength of the buttocks. Keep them excited throughout the procedure. You will immediately notice that your whole position has become much more stable, and this is the main condition that makes it possible to lift a lot more weight.
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15. Wash socks how to build muscle )
Yes, next time after the deadlift as per your plan, come to the clean socks gym. And after a good practice, start tracing on socks without shoes. This suggestion may seem strange, but any heel increases the distance traveled by the barbell, and it shifts the load from the back buttocks and muscles of the thighs to the quadriceps and makes it impossible for you to lift the true maximum weight. If the rules of the fitness club do not allow you to walk in socks, practice in shoes with a minimum sole and without a heel. The ideal option is Czechs.
how to build muscle