All translations of Facebook are made by artificial intelligence

artificial intelligence

All translations of Facebook are made by artificial intelligence

Facebook announced that its translation mechanism for comments and posts now works 100% via artificial intelligence . The company built a neural network to handle the translations and was able to greatly improve the consistency of the results. The phrases are now much closer to the translation a person would make, leaving the system much more natural.

Until then, Facebook used a mechanism that mechanically translated sentences into parts. By breaking some segments of the sentence to translate, the system often made mistakes when there was some difference in the ordering structure of terms from one language to another. In English, for example, adjectives see all before nouns that will be calcified. This kind of difference made the simple Facebook translation system very confusing.

In both cases, the system translated from any language into English, but in the first case, it is very difficult to understand the result. In the second case, made by artificial intelligence, the meaning of the phrase is absolutely clear, having even used a colloquialism to make things more natural.

Translation via neural networks or artificial intelligence is something that Google and Microsoft have been doing for some time, and so the translators of these two companies have improved so much in recent years. Not long ago, for example, Google Translator works almost like this old Facebook system and is now much more accurate and useful.